MSP Mind Set Play
In the context of this design project, the team acknowledged the significance of emotional intelligence, adaptability, interpersonal skills, self-acceptance, and the courage to explore innovative ideas as essential elements for success in both professional and personal spheres.
This initiative, known as MSP (Mind Set Play), introduced an innovative solution comprising a series of corporate cards supported by a dedicated mobile application to foster a culture of "kindfulness" within the workplace, seamlessly blending kindness and mindfulness to enhance the work environment and promote personal and professional growth.
When I approached this project, my main challenge was finding the right equilibrium among multiple design elements. I needed to strike a balance between integrating emotional intelligence and adaptability while also promoting kindfulness in a corporate context.
Another aspect of it was seamlessly combining physical corporate cards with a digital app, ensuring that they collectively reflected the core values and principles of the project while enhancing the work environment. Managing this intricate interplay of UI Design and Visual Identity elements and ensuring their cohesive integration proved to be my primary challenge as I embarked on this project.
Research / Branding / UI Design
Lina Yohay (Visual Designer and UI Design)
Jen Vermiere (UI/UX Designer)
Sylviane Rabi (Positive Psychology)
Luis Bustamante (Code and Engineering)
Illustrator / Photoshop / Figma / Webflow / Miro
MSP Mind Set Play
Code Ara Design Studio
How might we implement KINDFULNESS within the workplace?
Our approach to addressing this challenge began with the conception of a creative solution centered on the introduction of kindness into the workplace. The fundamental strategy we devised revolved around the utilization of corporate cards as a means to mitigate the adverse effects of workplace stress on mental and physical well-being.
The Mind Set Play (MSP) method, by design, serves as a tool for initiating and sustaining mindfulness, leading to enhanced mental agility, resilience, and self-awareness. Additionally, it serves to alleviate emotional exhaustion, stimulate receptivity to innovative ideas, and foster qualities such as compassion and empathy among individuals. The implementation of the "kindfulness" concept was a deliberate choice, as it encourages individuals to be both present in the moment and kind to themselves, ultimately enabling the practice of compassion toward oneself and others.
The tone of voice and concept developed for the branding of Mind Set Play (MSP) can be described as research-driven, inspiring, and vibrant. The approach taken in building the brand's strategy and identity is grounded in thorough research, drawing insights from a diverse range of individuals across different fields. This research-driven approach infuses a sense of credibility and authenticity into the brand's communication.
The concept of the power of "kindfulness" is captured through a vibrant and joyful visual experience, emphasizing the positive impact it has on the mind and its stimulating effects. The brand's tone of voice exudes inspiration, aiming to convey the enthusiasm and optimism associated with fostering a kind and mindful workplace culture. Overall, the branding concept is a compelling blend of research-backed strategy and the uplifting visual representation in action.
Our main goal was to present the project's core values as a heart-driven, authentic & innovative product sprinkled with a tint of joy and gleefulness.
The MSP logo was thoughtfully designed to embody the essence of emotional intelligence (EQ), skillfully weaving playfulness into the equation. Its purpose is to harmonize the emotional aspects of positive and challenging experiences encountered in the workplace and throughout life, aligning with the core principles of the brand.
The color palette chosen for this project is a carefully curated selection of hues that reflect the essence of our brand.
Each color was thoughtfully selected to convey the desired emotions and themes. It's a harmonious blend of shades that evoke feelings of positivity, creativity, and mindfulness.
These colors work together to create a visual identity that is both engaging and tranquil, aligning perfectly with the project's goals and values.
Exo Black
Helvetica Neue
Helvetica Neue
An array of playful shapes and patterns have been thoughtfully adapted to harmonize with the selected color palette, resulting in delightful and imaginative patterns and textures designed for use in digital and printed media graphics.
Corporate Cards Set
I've created a versatile set of corporate cards, designed for individual or group use, with a total of 50 units. The cards include instructions, guide cards, and segments dedicated to concepts like quiet, awareness, silence, patience, letting go, and contentment.
They are meticulously crafted to inspire introspection and foster a positive work environment. In addition, I've developed an accompanying leaflet to provide users with a comprehensive guide for a profound card-based experience.
I designed the stationery and the printed materials, and the client was particularly keen on ensuring that the branding shines on these materials for seminars and in-person product demonstrations.
Digital app
Upon successfully integrating the product into various teams, the idea surfaced to design an accompanying app that would provide digital access to the corporate cards. Currently in the development phase, this app is set to offer an array of features, including digital cards and inspiring quotes, allowing users to work on specific goals individually or with friends, all within a user-friendly digital environment.
I crafted a vibrant and dynamic brand identity that captivates a diverse spectrum of target audiences.
Each user can embark on their Kindfulness journey individually, with a partner, or as part of a team.
A variety of daily quotes serve as guiding inspirations, helping users on their path to achieving specific goals.
Each day, a collection of four cards is presented, allowing users to choose up to four cards from a diverse range of topics connected to kindfulness.
Over the past 12 years, my journey as a designer in the world of mindfulness has been truly enriching. I've had the opportunity to blend mindfulness principles with design, giving birth to a unique phygital (physical + digital) solution.
Exciting news – the Knocke Institute of Neural Science in Belgium is now spearheading a project that harmoniously weaves insights from Positive Psychology and mindfulness into both digital and print media.
Even more heartwarming is the fact that 85% of the teams involved have experienced significant personal growth and seen the positive impact of Kindfulness practices in their workplace. It's a wonderful testament to the transformative power of combining mindfulness and design for both individuals and organizations.